Self Extending Employment (SEE) is just one of countless innovative ideas from NetCells and friends. Currently (end 2024) being tested with Deep Cheque Project to Feed Human Creativity, but - if all goes well (which is most likely) - it will be extended to other (human) activities.

SEE breaks the traditional division between the Employer and Employee. You might be an Employee, perhaps even a good one, but secretly dreaming of becoming self-managed ?
already an Entrepreneur but it is not all happening as expected ?
Well, SEE, is suitable for both scenarios - in the first one you practise risk free, in the second you learn by implementing some else's plan. At outset SEE is a small job, managed entirely by yourself, and prepaid. Discussed what you do before at start and at the end of each prepaid stage. This will Extend itself (or not) in function of the results.

That's all for now, updates coming soon, meanwhile, if interested in the Deep Cheque Project you can always contact us...

this web site was launched in less than 30 min, for next to nothing, using 0Cell - part of the NetCells network. when we have an idea, we set it up like this - without fuss or delay - to gather data and begin its Internet journey....
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